Monday, October 26, 2009

MJ's son could cause school $3 million over shoes

Here is when you know something is wrong with the world. Michael Jordan's son, Marcus, is refusing to wear shoes made by Adidas. Marcus attends the University of Central Florida, who has a contract with Adidas for all their sports. Marcus says he will only wear his father's Nike Air Jordan shoes because it holds special meaning to his family.

This story is ridiculous. Advertising has taken over the sports industry in some very unique ways but I believe this one takes the cake. They are just shoes, not a family symbol. If your college has a contract with Fila shoes, you wear the damn shoes. Give me a break! I understand that Michael Jordan helped make the Nike brand famous but this is going a little too far. If I was Marcus, I would put on the damn Adidas shoes and move on with your basketball career. It is not like the shoe will make you jump higher and run faster. It is just a shoe. People become too obsessed and consumed with product brands.

The best part of this story? UCF and Adidas are in their last year of contract. That means that this whole scene put on by Marcus Jordan could potentially cost the school a new contract. Maybe Nike will be knocking on their door? Maybe not? Nobody really knows. What I do know, however, is that Marcus should be more concerned with his jump shot or free throw rather than what shoes he will be wearing on the hardwood.

Mark McGwire a hitting coach?

Yes you heard it right...Mark McGwire is not the hitting coach for the St. Louis Cardinals. Is anyone else confused with this personnel move? Let me just get this this the same Mark McGwire who took steroids during his professional baseball career? The same guy who lied under oath and the same guy who has a big, fat asterisk next to his name in the stats book because he cheated? Yes, still the same guy?

I find it hard to believe that Mark McGwire is going to be a successful hitting coach. I mean was he really a good hitter or is it all tainted because of his steroid use? Also, Mark McGwire was a home run hitter. I'm pretty sure that being a hitting coach means that you must teach the small ball too. It is not all about hitting moon shots into the upper deck. I would be curious to see just why the Cardinals went with McGwire over other candidates.

Mark McGwire is dedicated to the game and still remains to be an iconic figure in baseball (even if it is a little bit tainted). I would be interested to see what kind of reaction he will get in different baseball markets. Like most athletes, Mark McGwire is getting his second chance.

The conversation about steroids in baseball continues to get juicier. Every year we hear another big name in the sport testing positive for an unknown substance in the past. Mark McGwire was at the forefront of the heated debate when it reached Congress. It will be interesting to follow the success, or lack thereof, of Mark's duties as hitting coach.

The big question still unanswered....was this move good for baseball? I am sure we will find out.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Possible 1st female general manager in the big leagues

Kim Ng, the assistant general manager of the Los Angeles Dodgers, could possibly be hired as the first female general manager in the big leagues. She has interviewed for the vacant GM position for the San Diego Padres. Ng has interviewed for GM positions before; once with the Dodgers and once with the Seattle Mariners. She is already the only women to have a high executive position in the major leagues. In her eighth season with the Dodgers organization, Ng has been around the baseball industry. Before coming to the Dodgers, she was a top advisor to GM Brian Cashman of the New York Yankees. It is believed that Red Sox assistant GM Jed Hoyer is the leading candidate for the vacant position.

Whether or not Ng gets the job, it is still a feel good story in the baseball scene. It just goes to show that equality is still improving as time goes on. America witnessed history last November when Barack Obama became our very first African-American President. It would be very gratifying to see a woman take the position of a GM in professional baseball. Obviously she has a proven track record and can get the job done. Coming from the Yankees and Dodgers organizations, you can get the sense that success is a part of Ng's personality. Both organizations have rich history and both have been very organized and successful organizations when she has been around. The fact that she has been interviewed before is impressive. Although overlooked, it still adds some significance to the story.

I might not be a fan of the San Diego Padres baseball team, but I am sure rooting for their organization for making the right decision to interview Kim Ng as the next possible GM for their organization.

The shot heard round the world

Before you read on you REALLY need to watch the video if you have not already.


Now that you have seen that video, HOLY COW! I wonder which NHL team will scoop up this 9-year old hockey prodigy first. I mean seriously, how the heck does he do that? I bet there are some NHL players who are astonished at what this 9-year old Maine boy did during the promotional shootout. I feel bad for that poor little goalie who was completely dumbfounded after a shot like that. I mean you can't blame him but it is still embarrassing.

It takes some guts to try such a high profile shot like the boy did. Could you have imagined if he missed? Do you think this story would still be partially covered if he attempted it? Most likely not. The fact that he was able to pull off the shot is proof enough that this boy needs a life (I mean that in the nicest way possible). I applaud the boy for being able to complete that shot but isn't there homework or video games he could be playing instead of practicing for hours one shot? Don't get me wrong, it probably paid off now that he is receiving national coverage.

The reality is that kids these days are getting more and more talented as time goes on. What this kid accomplished is easily going to be the highlight of his early life and soon to be hockey career. While it is known that kids say the darnest things, they certainly do some darn sweet things as well.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Warrior's Jackson no longer a captain

The NBA did not need this story for their PR department but they got it anyway. Stephen Jackson of the Golden State Warriors is no longer the team captain. To get the full perspective, here is the quote of why he did not want to be the captain anymore: ""Don't try to dig into it, that's just how I feel," Jackson said. "I don't want to be a role model. ... Being captain was overrated to me, anyway. You don't do anything but go out before the game and talk to the refs. I don't want to do that, anyway."

ARE YOU SERIOUS!!! This guy is a punk and a sore example of a professional athlete. Obviously this man only cares about playing basketball and getting paid. Being the captain of a team is much more than that. It is about being a leader, a role-model, and a direct representation of the team. It is a prestigious role on the team and it is a good move to resign from the position before you screw up.

This is the same guy who was a part of the brawl that occurred between the Indiana Pacers and the Detroit Pistons' fans. In August, he also publicly announced that he wanted a trade from the Golden State Warriors. A move that left his wallet feeling pretty empty. Another memorable quote from Jackson: "Any time somebody takes $150,000 from me, of course it's going to change," Jackson said. "If my mom took some money from me I'd still love her to death but I'd still be upset about it. And he's not my mom."

This is someone who just signed a contract extension and now wants out. What is this guy thinking? There should be some I.Q. requirement to play in the league. This guy is not too bright. You get paid to play professional sports but somehow that's not good enough? Millions of people would kill for the opportunity that this man has. It is personalities like his that is not good for sports or society in general.

YOU GET PAID TO PLAY A GAME! SHUT UP AND DO YOUR DAMN JOB! I love professional sports but some of the athletes just have got to go. Take away all of their money and give them one hell of a wake up call. What the hell are they going to do without their three houses, Bentley cars with 22 inch rims, and 17 pounds of jewelry?

For more information and an entertaining read, go to:

Yet another washed up athlete comes out of retirement

Watch out Brett have some competition! It was announced that Junior Seau will come out of retirement for the third time to join the New England Patriots. THE THIRD TIME!!! YOU ARE KIDDING RIGHT? This is almost becoming ridiculous. First Brett Favre and now Junior Seau. I am beginning to wonder whether it is a game between old athletes. I mean Michael Jordan perfected it but now it is just getting a little out of hand.

You want to know the best/worst part about this whole thing...THEY JUST KEEP ON GETTING BETTER! Have you seen Brett Favre lately? I mean do not get me wrong I think the man should just retire, but holy cow! That over-the-hill man can throw one mean football. He had the game of his life against his old team on Monday Night Football last week. I just don't get it though. He stunk it up in his final years in Green Bay and with the New York Jets. Why is he so darn good now?

Junior Seau has a television show on Versus now called "Sports Jobs with Junior Seau." I am reluctant to tell you that the show will continue airing episodes. So not only will he try to help the Patriots defense but he will also be hosting the show which expects to start in December. Let me just say that I hope Junior Seau is as good as Brett Favre when coming out of retirement. The Patriots need that extra weapon after a tough loss in Denver.

I guess this just proves that you can continue playing as long as you want. It also proves that reputation matters in the league. You look at both Brett Favre and Junior Seau and one word describes both of them: class. Even if their stories in the news are getting old. Maybe Troy Aikman will shut up on FOX and replace the awful Tony Romo. It is just a thought.

For more information on Seau's return go to :

Social Media and the NFL...Ochocinco requests no fine!

It has become a circus of events for Chad Ochocinco. The entertaining receiver for the Cincinnati Bengals first wanted to use Twitter throughout the games of the regular season. The NFL responded by banning the use of social media during games. Now Ochocinco is using the popular social media site to persuade the league not to fine Ray Lewis for his controversial tackle during the Ravens-Bengals game last week. It is another method that the receiver is using to get his voice heard.

Usually it is Chad Ochocinco who is getting fined. I find it funny that the receiver is using Twitter to request that the league NOT fine Ray Lewis for this questionable hit. A couple hours after the game, Chad tweeted this: @nflcommish please don't fine Ray Lewis Mr. Roger Goodell, it was a clean hit, it's part of the game, save the fines for me, Esteban out.

Although I do not think the league will use Chad Ochocinco as a resource, it is a valiant effort on the receivers part to get his word across. Maybe the receiver is actually doing some good in the league rather than running his mouth and making a mockery out of the league.

It is important to note the impact that social media is having on professional sports. It has become a huge part of everyday life that the NBA has followed the NFL by banning the use of social media during games. Although it is a very useful source of media, there is a time and place for everything. There is no need for players or coaches to want to tweet or facebook during games. You are there to do your job and not goof off on social media sites. Social media is very effective in the sense that it gets your word out there and is another way to market yourself to the world. I think social media is a tool that professional sports should use. Just not during games and work hours.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Twins advance to the playoffs after game 163?

The baseball season is long enough but a 163rd game? The Minnesota Twins and Detroit Tigers found themselves playing an extra, tiebreaker game to determine who would advance to the playoffs. It is interesting to note that this is the third straight year this has happened in major league baseball. Do you want to know the kicker of this story? IT WENT INTO EXTRA INNINGS!!! The Twins won the game in 12 innings by a final score of 6-5.

If the extra game wasn't tiring enough, they had to play 12 innings? By that point I wuold have flipped a coin to determine the winner because those two teams are just too close. Congratulations to the Minnesota Twins for beating the Detroit Tigers after the 163rd game of the season. Now what? Instead of getting a break like the rest of the playoff teams, THEY HAVE TO PLAY AGAIN THE NEXT DAY! That is right, saddle up again because you now get to play the American League powerhouse New York Yankees.

I wonder what the manager of the Twins is going to tell his team before the game starts? I was thinking something like this: "Guys, we have all come a long way (one game longer than any other team). We have fought back and beaten the odds and have reached our goal of the playoffs. I know we are all tired so lets just take the night off and go after them the next game. Sound good?" I really don't know what else he can say. I don't think anything will motivate the players to give it 110 percent. They have left everything they had on the field in Minnesota.

I guess there is no rest for the weary if you are a Minnesota Twin. It is a five game series but doesn't feel like it in this situation. I consider this series to be a four game series due to the circumstances. It is a race to who can win three games first but the Yankees already have won a game without even throwing a pitch or swinging a bat. Good luck Minnesota because it looks like you are going to need it!

For more information on the game itself, go to: \

Rush Limbaugh interested in buying the St. Louis Rams

Yes you heard it right. Rush Limbaugh, the so-called "voice of the Republican Party," has teamed up with St. Louis Blues owner Dave Checketts in an effort to buy the awful St. Louis Rams. Good idea? Bad idea? I say HORRIBLE IDEA!

The NFL does not need a Mark Cuban (the very outspoken Dallas Mavericks owner). Rush Limbaugh is loud, obnoxious, and very outspoken. He has no place as an owner of a NFL franchise. Good players and coaches are good for the game; Rush Limbaugh is most certainly not good for the game.

I envision Rush talking a whole bunch of nonsense that eventually gets himself in a lot of trouble with the NFL. Lets not forget about the incident that occurred a few years ago. Rush dabbled in sports during ESPN's NFL pregame show in 2003. He was then forced to resign after stating that Philadelphia Eagles quarterback Donovan McNabb was overrated because the media wanted to see a black quarterback succeed. THIS IS THE STUFF I AM TALKING ABOUT PEOPLE! He had his chance in sports and blew it. He needs to stick to politics where he can get away with more jibber jabber such as that.

In any respect, the St. Louis Rams are NOT going to get any better with a change in ownership. They are a washed-up bunch of individuals that needs a rebuilding period. I think Mark Bulger is a name that most of us have forgotten over the years. Bring in a fresh name. If I hadn't looked up the roster for this year, Steven Jackson would be the only name I could pull out my head.

The NFL needs to realize that Rush Limbaugh as an owner would not be a good public relations move. Come on now, do you really want this guy controlling a football team when he can't even control his mouth? Think about it.

For more information on this story go to:

Rookie Michael Crabtree finally signed a contract!

For those of who are unaware of the situation here is a little rundown: Michael Crabtree is a former Texas Tech Red Raider who was selected 10th overall during last year's NFL Draft. He is a stud wide receiver who held out during the preseason because the San Francisco 49ers were not going to pay him enough during contract negotiations.

ARE YOU KIDDING ME? Lets not forget that this is a ROOKIE wide receiver who has never even seen one second of NFL action.

His reasoning for holding out was this:
Oakland Raiders receiver Darrius Heyward-Bey, the No. 7 choice, signed a five-year contract that will guarantee him at least $23.5 million. Jacksonville Jaguars top pick Eugene Monroe, taken eighth overall, signed a five-year, $25 million contract that includes $19 million guaranteed.

Crabtree was simply trying to prove the point that he was worth more because of the rookie wide receiver market. I understand that. What I don't understand is why Crabtree would put on a temper tantrum over this. The fact remains that he is a rookie wide receiver who should feel honored just to make it to the big show. Don't cry over a few million dollars when there are people out there who only dream about a few million dollars. It just proves to you how money-driven sports have become. Players are becoming more and more selfish over the most ignorant issues around.

Now that this whole mess is over, do you think it was really worth it? Absolutely not! This already has certainly hurt his reputation among fans and the league. He set a bad example among rookie players that hopefully will not occur again. Rookies are rookies and, until you prove yourself in the league, take what is given to you because it should be an honor to play professional sports and not all about the money. I can't wait to see his first game because I am sure the pressure and hype will be enormous. I am sure there will be a "welcome to the league" reception from one of the opposing team's defensive backs.

For more information on the story go to: