Monday, October 19, 2009

The shot heard round the world

Before you read on you REALLY need to watch the video if you have not already.


Now that you have seen that video, HOLY COW! I wonder which NHL team will scoop up this 9-year old hockey prodigy first. I mean seriously, how the heck does he do that? I bet there are some NHL players who are astonished at what this 9-year old Maine boy did during the promotional shootout. I feel bad for that poor little goalie who was completely dumbfounded after a shot like that. I mean you can't blame him but it is still embarrassing.

It takes some guts to try such a high profile shot like the boy did. Could you have imagined if he missed? Do you think this story would still be partially covered if he attempted it? Most likely not. The fact that he was able to pull off the shot is proof enough that this boy needs a life (I mean that in the nicest way possible). I applaud the boy for being able to complete that shot but isn't there homework or video games he could be playing instead of practicing for hours one shot? Don't get me wrong, it probably paid off now that he is receiving national coverage.

The reality is that kids these days are getting more and more talented as time goes on. What this kid accomplished is easily going to be the highlight of his early life and soon to be hockey career. While it is known that kids say the darnest things, they certainly do some darn sweet things as well.

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