Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Yet another washed up athlete comes out of retirement

Watch out Brett Favre...you have some competition! It was announced that Junior Seau will come out of retirement for the third time to join the New England Patriots. THE THIRD TIME!!! YOU ARE KIDDING RIGHT? This is almost becoming ridiculous. First Brett Favre and now Junior Seau. I am beginning to wonder whether it is a game between old athletes. I mean Michael Jordan perfected it but now it is just getting a little out of hand.

You want to know the best/worst part about this whole thing...THEY JUST KEEP ON GETTING BETTER! Have you seen Brett Favre lately? I mean do not get me wrong I think the man should just retire, but holy cow! That over-the-hill man can throw one mean football. He had the game of his life against his old team on Monday Night Football last week. I just don't get it though. He stunk it up in his final years in Green Bay and with the New York Jets. Why is he so darn good now?

Junior Seau has a television show on Versus now called "Sports Jobs with Junior Seau." I am reluctant to tell you that the show will continue airing episodes. So not only will he try to help the Patriots defense but he will also be hosting the show which expects to start in December. Let me just say that I hope Junior Seau is as good as Brett Favre when coming out of retirement. The Patriots need that extra weapon after a tough loss in Denver.

I guess this just proves that you can continue playing as long as you want. It also proves that reputation matters in the league. You look at both Brett Favre and Junior Seau and one word describes both of them: class. Even if their stories in the news are getting old. Maybe Troy Aikman will shut up on FOX and replace the awful Tony Romo. It is just a thought.

For more information on Seau's return go to :

1 comment:

  1. Seau apparently has things left unsettled on the field. Those things being a massive brain trauma and or broken spine.
