Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Social Media and the NFL...Ochocinco requests no fine!

It has become a circus of events for Chad Ochocinco. The entertaining receiver for the Cincinnati Bengals first wanted to use Twitter throughout the games of the regular season. The NFL responded by banning the use of social media during games. Now Ochocinco is using the popular social media site to persuade the league not to fine Ray Lewis for his controversial tackle during the Ravens-Bengals game last week. It is another method that the receiver is using to get his voice heard.

Usually it is Chad Ochocinco who is getting fined. I find it funny that the receiver is using Twitter to request that the league NOT fine Ray Lewis for this questionable hit. A couple hours after the game, Chad tweeted this: @nflcommish please don't fine Ray Lewis Mr. Roger Goodell, it was a clean hit, it's part of the game, save the fines for me, Esteban out.

Although I do not think the league will use Chad Ochocinco as a resource, it is a valiant effort on the receivers part to get his word across. Maybe the receiver is actually doing some good in the league rather than running his mouth and making a mockery out of the league.

It is important to note the impact that social media is having on professional sports. It has become a huge part of everyday life that the NBA has followed the NFL by banning the use of social media during games. Although it is a very useful source of media, there is a time and place for everything. There is no need for players or coaches to want to tweet or facebook during games. You are there to do your job and not goof off on social media sites. Social media is very effective in the sense that it gets your word out there and is another way to market yourself to the world. I think social media is a tool that professional sports should use. Just not during games and work hours.


  1. Ouch, that guy sure did take a few hits. I think it’s awesome that Social media had some type of an impact on sports. Of course, now a day it can have an impact on just about anything. It just says hey; use social media for just about anything. And it’s true; you can, especially if you want to get your point across.

  2. Just goes to show how influential the social media revolution has become. And it's definitely understandable how it may seem "unethical" to tweet during games; with current technology information can reach millions instantly.

  3. Chad Ochocinco, I dont even know where to begin. but it is pretty astonishing that he isnt complaining about it being a dirty hit and crying up a storm. It's almost admirable, almost.
