Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Redskins owner calls own team "a let down."

Dan Snyder made a rare in-season media appearance. One that is memorable in the owner's content. He is embarrassed, hurt, frustrated, and apologetic to name a few adjectives. His team is 2-5 on the young season and many things have gone wrong internally as well as externally with the team.

Here is a direct quote:
"It really hurts," Snyder said. "We are really trying very, very hard, everyone at Redskins Park, the coaches, the players. The organization's quite frankly held together well, and I think we've got an opportunity the rest of the season to hopefully get it going. But to date we've let everyone down, including ourselves, and we know that and we're just apologetic. We've blown some games that obviously we think we should have won."

Isn't a team owner suppose to maintain a sense of optimism with the team? I mean how can he expect the players to focus on the game ahead when the owner is calling them "a let down?" I find it funny that Snyder made these comments because the fans in Washington partly blame him for the team's poor success. It makes you stop and think. The Washington Redskins have either been mediocre at best or poor for many years now. They have hired Hall of Fame coaches and signed the top free agents and players. So what hasn't changed? The ownership and front office has not changed. Many consider Dan Snyder as the constant for the team's lack of success. If you look back at the team, you see a whole lot of potential in the talent of the players.

This off-season, they spent a lot of money on the what some considered the best defensive player in the league, Albert Haynseworth. They have a stellar running back in Clinton Portis and a dynamite reciever in Santana Moss. The talent is clearly there. It is how the team is being run that is in question by fans. Snyder stripped his own head coach of play-calling duties earlier in the season but did not fire him. Why? He even banned all signs and banners brought in by fans. Are you serious? Something is wrong in the nation's capital. That something is the Redskin's executive staff, mainly the owner Dan Snyder.

For more information on this story, go to:


  1. First..."Something is wrong in the nation's capital."

    Aren't the Washington Redskins from the state of Washington, and not DC?

    To get to the matter at hand though, this man should get fired, even though he is the owner. How can someone be so negative to the press on his OWN team? This plus banning signs and stuff will ruin what little fans came to the stadium. Something needs to be done upstairs if they're going to get things straightened out.

  2. It is funny but the Washington Redskins are in the nation's capital of Washington D.C. Actually all of the professional sports teams with the label "Washington" are in the nation's capital. The city has a bigger sports fan base than in the actual state of Washington.
